Top off your bedroom decor with the Asian icon of inner peace with a custom yin yang blanket. What does yin yang symbolize? Equilibrium; opposing forces in perfect harmony; earth and sky, darkness and light; the wholeness of parts that find their own essence in their opposite. A yin yang blanket can easily bring this equilibrium to any room. It is a piece that you can throw over the backend of a couch or at the end of a bed and use solely as a decorative piece.
Put a yin yang blanket on your bed and let its own comfort with opposing forces lend some sweet synthesis to your room. If your bedroom has a classic theme going, choose a design with a classic representation of the yin yang symbol with a little pop of color to highlight your decor. Or your bedroom might be the opposite and you love crazy prints and lots of color. In this case a blanket with a yin yang symbol with a dragon and tiger circling each other in the background will really add some flair to your bed.
Feng shui masters are regularly conferred with to create a light and harmonious room. Draw the relationship of harmony into your space as you decorate with yin yang blankets. Make a peaceful furnishing to attract tranquility in your home with these Chinese symbols of the contradiction between water and fire. Such as in life, your decor too must be peaceful. You could arrange somber tones in a bright room, accent a sparse space with vibrant styles, and show off’s yin yang blankets. Let the harmonies of the two halves that yin and yang bring be communicated in your area through yin yang design.
When you need comfort to be with you, you take your blanket. Not just any one--YOUR blanket--the throw that doesn’t only warm you up, but evokes feelings of home, or of your yin yang themed home. Vision Bedding blankets do exactly that, and with pizzazz. All of our 350 or more theme choices can be applied to either our furry fleece blankets or our light throw blankets, and in everyday 50” x 60” or 60” x 80” dimensions. If you have to have an unusual size, simply let us know. Like so many of VisionBedding’s other wonderful products, we can personalize a nice yin yang fleece throw blanket just for you.
When looking for some yin yang throw blankets for your master bedroom, you will want one that is both soft and durable. Blankets from are an excellent value and are manufactured from 100% fluffy fleece polyester material which is machine washable. The image is dyed in dynamic colors on the material and is fade resistant. Comparable blankets may be made from lesser quality fabric, or are scratchy and the opposite of snuggly. Our special process makes sure the blanket remains soft, comfortable and luxurious. Cuddling underneath a VisionBedding blanket is purely a satisfaction.
Although there are hundreds of yin yang throw blanket patterns to order from, you may discover that you still are unable to pinpoint the throw blanket that suits the design of the ultimate living space you have in mind. That’s why Vision Bedding also offers the alternative of personalizing blankets with your own pictures. Simply upload your favorite photo and we will imprint it on the throw for you with sharp, clear images. You understand your taste better than anyone which is why Vision Bedding offers you the freedom to design your personal yin yang throw. There are also several sizes to choose from so you are able to customize the blanket to whatever sized space you’re accessorizing.
Decorating with throw blankets brings luxury to every space. Our yin yang blankets can be a touch of flair in your bedroom. Hung on your loveseat, a throw blanket is not only a decorative piece but convenient to snuggle under while watching TV. Picking a yin yang blanket will showcase your one of a kind charm.