Reinvent your bathroom into a stunning Urban themed look with a nifty shower curtain or bath rug.
The first visual that will normally enter your mind when you think of urban designs are city life, skylines and cityscapes. When planning an urban schemed living room, ponder our modernized planet and incorporate it into your own space. If you want to show off the industrial beauty of the city streets, you can add graffiti bath decor to bring an artsy vibe in your interior.
Bathrooms are some of the most appealing spaces to decorate because of all the options. When designing your urban themed lavatory, you can choose from over 750 designs to put on every bathroom product. From custom sized toilet covers to bath mats, we have it all. Even matching urban towels are available. Your space is meant special, so having plentiful design options means you can put together the urban themed powder room of your fantasies.
Making a one of a kind urban bathroom is straightforward with our hundreds of options, but you don’t want to redo the shopping process often. That’s why it’s important to purchase unbeatable quality decor at a fantastic value, like our water-resistant fabric shower curtains that will fight against water spots and preserve their glorious colors for as long as you need them. Fabric introduces calm and texture into a room visually and functionally. The longstanding, smooth and pliable shower curtain material makes getting into and out of the bath/shower easy. You’ll always desire a sturdy, but soft bath mat to step on. Not just to thank your feet, but to soak up water and defend your floors. Our bath mats are made with a plush top fabric and an anti slip rubber pad underneath to keep your serenity cave...serene. Add to those decor staples with a personally designed beach towel hung in the perfect accent spot, and you’ll have the urban themed oasis you’ll excitedly enter and hesitate to leave.
Not all bathroom dimensions are the same. It happens that you won’t be able to purchase a ready made shower curtain because you have an unusual sized shower. Fret no more! Get the exact measurements for the shower curtain you need - big or small. We can create any custom sized shower curtains that will fit your individual shower. Furthermore, if you need to customize a specific design from our options and make it unique to your needs, VisionBedding will alter colors and apply personalized words or even download your own personal image. You will use your powder room at the beginning and end of each and every day. Create a unique powder room atmosphere with our personally made bathroom decor.
The unique urban theme. It could be the very thing that motivates you to move once you have turned off the beeping alarm in the morning. Or maybe it is the only thing that will lull you into soothing daydreams. Surround yourself in original decor, with quality that is long standing and revel in a long luxury bath behind your unique shower curtain. Wash up in your extraordinary urban themed bathroom.